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The complete chakra reset program to heal your nervous system from symptoms of burnout and stress overload   

An 8 week extensive 1:1 coaching program designed to unlock your chakras full healing potential

Is this you?

✅ You have a variety of stress related symptoms  such as anxiety, insomnia, hair falling, hives, migraines, nausea, overthinking etc. and you just can't live with them anymore

✅ You are a highly sensitive person (otherwise known as an empath)

✅ You're in the fight or flight response most of the time, making it nearly impossible to relax for you

✅ You are driven and motivated, you just have too much stress and need to learn how to work everything out for your own sake

✅ You find it hard to say no and to put yourself first, but you KNOW it's time

✅ Your emotions tend to fluctuate from one extreme to another. You either tend to get strong emotional reactions or you feel numb.

✅ You feel like you're constantly under a lot of pressure externally and internally, and it's become too disturbing

✅ You can feel a sense of disconnect from your physical and emotional body, like you're floating above your body

✅ You've experienced burn out or nervous exhaustion and don't ever want it to EVER happen again

✅ You are ready to start prioritising yourself, because you know if you won't, nobody else will do it

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I get it, you're just OVER it.

You are over living your life in anxiety and fear.

You want to become the healed version of you.

You want to go and address the root cause of why you are getting your symptoms.

You might have tried other routes but it never addressed the true issue, only the surface level problems.

You don't want to spend your life fighting the symptoms.

AND LUCKILY you don't have to!

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I have been through all of this and found a way OUT

I have healed my own dysregulated nervous system, and found a way out. My mission is to spread this healing knowledge to people, so that more of us highly sensitive folk can function the way that we deserve. It is too big of an sacrifice to live in the state of fight or flight.

I didn't know what to do with my symptoms at first also, I was confused and had no idea why I am feeling what I am feeling. And a dysregulated nervous system shows up in many ways, which can be confusing.

So I have started to address my chakras and my nervous system and come to realise most of my anxiety came from a place of deep disconnection with my body. Through reconnecting my chakras I started to understand what my body was signalling to me. It just took a different approach than what I was  taught. Now I am living life on my terms, I do not allow anxiety to run the best of me, I no longer live in fight or flight mode and I put myself and my mental and physical health first at all times.

Now I help other people to heal as a coach. I live life to the fullest. I travel, enjoy experiences, grow my business and don't put as much pressure on myself as I used to. I have healed myself and countless others. My life is much more enjoyable and peaceful. All thanks to learning the right healing tools and mindset.


To sign up to work with me, simply click on APPLY NOW, and if your application aligns with this program, you will get an email confirming a free 30 minute trial session. 

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Personalised roadmap 

This program is 100% tailored to your specific needs and wants. Ensuring every aspect of your healing journey is customized specifically to your special circumstances, symptoms and pain points to bring maximum transformative results.


Busy professional friendly

Designed specifically for busy professionals, you will be saving valuable time. This program offers practical solutions for integrating self care into even the most demanding schedules, so that you can be even more efficient in your everyday life.

Time tested healing approach

This program uses several techniques from chakra healing to nervous system healing modalities. This healing approach is time tested, and strategically put together for the best quick results to your dysregulated nervous system.

What changes can you expect at the end of the 8 weeks 

✅ Learning how to put yourself first and learning how to prioritise your well being, health and peace over other non important things, other people and situations.

✅ Learning the importance of why you need to have a calmed nervous system as a highly sensitive person and its role in a happy and peaceful life.

✅ Becoming more aware of what you should be focusing your attention on in terms of what's important in your life. Becoming more clear on your life goals.

✅ An increased sense of empathy towards yourself - as a result of trauma we often dissociate, this program will make you become more aware of your own needs and wants.

✅ Stabilising your emotional responses. As a result of feeling more safe and secure and having set clear goals which are attainable you will be able to achieve a greater emotional resilience.

✅ Releasing internal and external pressure. Through the chakra healing and cleansing, you will be able to feel more relaxed and make time specifically for relaxation. This takes practise at first.

✅ A higher connection with your body and a higher spiritual connection. Thanks to a more relaxed state of your mind you will be able to be more in touch with your body and soul.

✅ Deep long lasting healing - this program is not intended to offer surface level fixes. All the tools you receive here, you will also use after the course finishes, building a strong foundation of long lasting changes.

In these 8 healing weeks we will cover:

Chakra healing client success stories

i n v e s t m e n t


✅ ​8x 1:1 healing sessions

✅ Message support in between calls

✅ Original meditations 

✅ Weekly personalised action plans

$1600 USD investment in FULL


 $800 USD investment in two monthly payments


✅ ​1x monthly healing session (2 in total)

✅ Message support 

✅ Original meditations 

✅ Weekly personalised action plans

$800 USD investment in FULL


$400 USD investment in two monthly payments

a l t e r n a t i v e

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Get the free guide:
Root chakra 101: Root chakra a 7 day challenge

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