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This is a much deeper version of the meditation from the e-book. If you want to begin meditating and learn how to use your healing powers then you should try this. In this meditation you connect to the universal divine and learn to use it's healing powers. This meditation will get you in a very deep state of hypnosis, in which you become so connected to the divine source of power, that you are able to use this gathered energy to heal any part of your body, mind or even smaller pets (Although I do not recommend healing pets or others until you clear your own energies, so that you don't hurt yourself or others). But you should know that the potential is there, and there are no limits to your imagination! This meditation will give you the best chance to fully develop your healing powers and become more centered and grounded. I recorded this meditation on the new moon in virgo, which was the most healing new moon of the year, to really bring this energy into the recording. Let this energy flow through you as you fully relax and dive into the deepest parts of yourself.

Guided healing meditation

  • MP3

  • 17:55

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