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Chakras simply explained.

Updated: May 2, 2021

As every person has a physical body, organs and blood flowing through their veins, we also have an energy body, chakras and chi which plays a huge role in our health and overall happiness. Since us as a society are very rationally oriented, most of us go all their lives with the feeling that something is missing, you know that feeling on the back of your mind, that something isn't complete. Some people feel it stronger than others, but I believe everyone had the experience. People who are a bit more sensitive, can feel subtle changes in energies when they speak to other people or when they travel to vibrant places. This is no secret and it has been known by ancient civilizations for centuries, only in our modern times it is considered ridiculous. There are many reason as of why this wouldn't be accepted by the modern science man, but none of them will help you on your way towards a healthy mind, body and soul.

Which is why we are talking today about chakras and their importance. Chakras as many people today call their energy centers were firstly mentioned in the upanishad which are religious Vedic texts which form the base of hinduism. In sanskrit they mean wheels, but they're often represented as lotus flowers or mandalas. Originally in the vedic texts, only 5 chakras were mentioned. In kundalini yoga it is believed there are 6 chakras + the crown chakra and through chakra meditation unity with Brahman will be realized. It was never quite settled how many chakras a person has, nonetheless it is believed that people have energy centers all over their bodies, even outside of their bodies. But to make this simple we will only speak of the 7 chakras, which are well known.

The chakras as they're represented today don't have as much in common with the original beliefs. Our western society had to adjust the chakra system to our system of thinking. Many people believe westerners have only discovered chakras recently, but western books have been written about them ever since the 15th century. Whether you call it chakras or energy body or anything else, you have it and it is a part of you. You can study it by yourself with many different techniques or simply by using your intuition and instincts.

The benefits of working with your chakras are different for everybody, someone might become more intuitive, other people will become more grounded. One way or another it will balance you, to become more whole and more centered.

Some of the benefits include:

Better focus and memory

Relieves stress

Lowers blood pressure

Deeper sleep

Change of perception

Transcendental states

Regaining your energy

And a million therapeutical benefits that I will describe further in the articles on the individual chakras. But first let me present you the 7 main chakras in a nuthell and how you would know if they were blocked.

1st chakra Mooladhara - Root Chakra

It is located at the base of your spine.

Develops in the first few years of your life.

Survival instincts, fight or flight response, safety and security, roots and ancestors.

When out of balance, you won't have a tight grasp on reality, constantly flying on cloud 9 without any sort of plan or strategy for the future. The present moment is not enjoyed, memory is very short and there will be problems with legs, feet and colon, also eating disorders.

This chakra is blocked by shame.

2nd chakra Svadhistana - Sacral Chakra

It is located cca 5cm underneath your bellybutton

Pleasure, creativity, emotions, childhood and shadow.

This chakra is closely connected to the 1st one. Mostly blocked specially if childhood was traumatic. When blocked you loose connection with your emotions, cannot explain them to anyone or become codependent. You start building walls around you so noone can hurt you, but that leads to you loosing your passions, creativity and sex drive. It is connected to reproductive organs and kidneys.

This chakra is blocked by guilt.

3rd chakra Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra

It is located on the navel.

Motivation, career, money, respect, selfesteem.

This chakra is the last of the lower chakras, closely connected to your digestion of food and everything else. Emotions get processed here, which is why you feel butterflies when excited and sick when you hear bad news. When its blocked you cannot stand your ground very well, you get manipulated or you manipulate others. You feel cold a lot, and you cannot digest properly. Confidence and the ability to go after what you want comes from solar.

This chakra is blocked by self-doubt.

4th chakra Anahata - Heart Chakra

It is located near your heart.

Love, acceptance, feelings, compassion, joy.

This chakra is in my opinion the most important to balance. Once your heart chakra is in a good state, all the others will be at least partially healed. It pumps blood in your veins as it pumps energy in your energy body. When unbalanced you feel lonely, desperate, cold around your chest, you don't get excited, trust people and you will hold grudges.

If you are starting with chakra work, focus on this chakra, as it will give you a lot of energy to continue your healing journey.

This chakra is blocked by fear.

5th chakra Visshudha - Throat Chakra

It is located near your throat.

Communication, listening, speaking, creativity, self-expression.

Definitely the most unbalanced chakra of our generation. When out of whack you will have difficulties expressing your opinions in a way for others to understand, you will have social anxiety and a sore throat. You will be very critical of yourself, and not let yourself make a mistake. Have a look at this chakra if you often get ill. To balance you firstly need to balance your heart chakra.

This chakra is blocked by misunderstanding.

6th chakra Ajna - Third eye Chakra

It is located in between of your eyebrows

Memory, focus, rationality and intuition.

This celebrity of the chakras is said to give some sort of super powers, which is a bit far stretched but it is very important. Please don't try to work with it first, as it will show you things you are not ready for. When blocked you will feel pressure on your forehead, have memory loss and will be very instinctive rather than intuitive. When over active you will be worrying, have insomnia and be scared of the spiritual.

This chakra is blocked by deception.

7th chakra Sahasrara - Crown Chakra

It is located on the top of your head.

Consciousness, intelligence, connection, unity.

This chakra is located on the soft part of a babies head and is the first chakra to develop in the womb. It connects you to the universe and gives you clarity. When unbalanced you will experience disconnection from your bliss, apathy and materialism. Nothing intangible would be of any interest to you and you will feel dissociation and cynism.

This chakra is blocked by faithlessness.

If you found yourself in one or more don't worry as realizing this, is the first and the hardest step of all. Now that you know your chakras are out of balance you can start balancing them, and if you don't know how, I am happy to assist you with it. I hope you liked this article, thank you for reading all the way here, please leave a comment, as I would love to hear about, how you experience the chakra blockages.

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